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6th Birthday & The "Ramayan Path" Invitation

6th Birthday & The "Ramayan Path" Invitation
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6th Birthday & The "Ramayan Path" Invitation

We are Happy to invite you all for joining Akhand Ramayan Path & 6th Birthday Ceremony of our son
Devagya Yadav!

As per programme :
RAMAYAN (at 9 am)
29th August 2023- Tuesday

30th August 2023- Wednesday
RAMAYAN Samapan & Hawan (at 10am)
@ Our Residence

Birthday Celebration and Dinner
(at 7 pm, 30th August) onwards
@ 538 II/587 Adarshpuram
Triveni Nagar-3, Lucknow

kindly grace this occasion with your presence and blessing.

Mr. Amit Singh & Sarita Yadav
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