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Invitation for Upnayan Sanskar & Ekadashi Vrat Udyapan

Invitation for Upnayan Sanskar & Ekadashi Vrat Udyapan
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Invitation for Upnayan Sanskar & Ekadashi Vrat Udyapan

{22nd May to 01st June 2023}

We cordially invite you to join the Upnayan Sanskar of Master Mayank Abhishek, younger son of Smt. Archana Jha & Dr. Shyam Chandra Jha as well as Ekadashi Vrat Udyapan of Smt. Injila Devi wife of Mr. Durga Nand Jha as per following dates of events:

Baskatti& Marbanhi : 22.05.2023 {8am onwards}
Akhand Ramayan Paath : 25.05.2023 to 26.05.2023
Preeti Bhoj : 27.05.2023 {7pm onwards}
Kumhram : 28.05.2023
Shubh Upnayan : 29.05.2023
Ekadashi Vrat Udyapan Puja : 31.05.2023
Bhramh Bhoj : 01.06.2023 {11 am onwards}

Village & Post : Galma, District: Darbhanga (Bihar)

Please accept this message invitation as a personal request for your gracious presence at the ceremony.

Your Sincerly
Dr. Tulsi Chandra Jha, Dr. Shyam Chandra Jha, Mr. Ashutosh Jha & rest of the Jha family. Contact No. 9412156363,9871344456, 8005489857

Mr. Avinash Chandra Jha
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