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Mīļi sveicie Tev no mums,tavos svētkos

Mīļi sveicie Tev no mums,tavos svētkos
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Lai tev veiksme pasniedz roku,

Prieks, lai vienmēr durvis ver!

Lai tev gaišu saules staru,

Katra jauna diena sniedz!

Mīļi sveicie Tev no mums,tavos svētkos

Tavi Ričards, Annemarija, Kristīne,abi Andreji un Melānija
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Un día como hoy será siempre tan importante como el día en que naciste, llenas de alegrría mi viNajlepsze życzenia urodzinowe dla naszej najwspanialszej, najukochańszej i najcudowniejszej wnuczkI feel so lucky to have you as my friend. Hope your birthday is as special as you are.May all of youHappy Birthday Elaine. I hope your day is as special as your friendship is to me. Love and HugzCelebrate the best-ever birthday party today,  but don t forget to celebrateMaija! 
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