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We are happy to invite you for the Rice ceremony (Annaprasan) of our boy Arnish Mukherjee on

We are happy to invite you for the Rice ceremony (Annaprasan) of our boy Arnish Mukherjee on
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Soham's little brother is all set to eat his first meal and transition from liquid to solid food!!

We are happy to invite you for the Rice ceremony (Annaprasan) of our boy Arnish Mukherjee on

Monday, 22th May,2023,
Time, 12pm - 3pm

Venue: The Host Restaurant
670 Hwy 7, Richmond Hill,
ON L4B 3P2
Phone No.: +1-905-922-8826, +1-819-919-5170

Madhumita & Ranadeep

See you there!
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