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House no. C3, 15A/2, Memon Nagar, Gulzar e hijri

House no. C3, 15A/2, Memon Nagar, Gulzar e hijri
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" In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful"

Mr. & Mrs. Arif Ahmed Pinger


Request the pleasure of your presence at Aqeeqah ceremony of their beloved Twins Grandsons

Muhammad Ahmed and Muhammad Mustafa

On Sunday 25th December 2022

House no. C3, 15A/2, Memon Nagar, Gulzar e hijri

Kindly grace this occasion with your presence and blessing.

Awaiting to welcome you
Arif Pinger 03323685354
Faheem Pinger 03453134481
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